Weifang industrial electric furnace has better temperature c

   Weifang industrial furnace is made of super light refractory fiber, which can be used with temperature control cabinet, with better performance.

As a periodic operation furnace, the controller can be operated flexibly, including automatic or manual control of the temperature of the furnace, and can be used in the processing of metal parts, including oxidation, annealing, quenching and other purposes.

The most energy-saving heating mode in the induction heating furnace is pollution-free and low energy consumption. The working environment is superior, meets the requirements of various indicators of the environmental protection department, and improves the working environment of workers and the company's image. The heat generated by induction heating can realize the heat generated by itself in the workpiece, which can be used for even family members, and the core surface temperature difference is very small, which can realize the accurate control of the temperature. Induction heating is heating from room temperature to 1100 ℃, and the power consumption of each ton forging is less than 360 ℃. The application of temperature control system can realize the accurate control of temperature and improve the product quality and qualification rate.

Weifang Kehua electric furnace production and sales of industrial furnace types, reasonable price, is the necessary equipment of modern metal processing industry.

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